Traditional marketing versus digital marketing

Traditional marketing versus digital marketing

In the development of your business you definitely need specialists to deal with the marketing part. Even if you are not good at this field, it is impossible not to have heard of the terms digital marketing or traditional marketing. So the dilemma arises: which is more effective. We can talk about a “war” like: traditional marketing versus digital marketing. Let’s see a little bit about each one.

Traditional marketing vs digital marketing 2021

Traditional marketing

As the name suggests, traditional marketing methods do not need the internet to be used. Here we are dealing with coupons, leaflets, radio and TV commercials, advertisements in newspapers or magazines – which appear on paper, telephone calls, text messages and others.


traditional marketing vs digital marketing

Let’s discuss about your business


Digital marketing

Given that technology is constantly evolving and there is a tendency to move everything, or almost everything in the virtual environment, digital marketing seems the perfect solution. Obviously, you need an internet connection, and it involves site content, email marketing campaigns, posts on major social networks, content marketing, SEO optimization, affiliate marketing and much more. Should this be the best solution, and shouldn’t this dilemma actually exist, from traditional marketing versus digital marketing?


Advantages and disadvantages of traditional marketing

In the “war” between traditional marketing versus digital marketing, we will first deal with the strengths, but also the weaknesses, of the former. There are many who consider that the methods by which traditional marketing is applied are outdated. It is possible, but let’s face it, many of them are used successfully even today. Depending on the specifics of the business, but also on the target audience, it is possible that traditional marketing will be the option that suits you best. But, let’s detail.


traditional marketing vs online marketing



Traditional marketing strengths

If you intend to reach an older target audience, say over the age of 50, then you are definitely more successful with traditional marketing. He still prefers television, listens to the radio, reads newspapers and magazines, much more than those up to the age of 35, for example.
Traditional marketing seems perfect when you are a company that wants to create a large local audience. Panels, leaflets and events are still effective in this case.


Weaknesses of traditional marketing vs digital marketing

High costs would be the first weakness of traditional marketing, because you need to take good money out of your pocket to physically print and send certain messages, broadcast certain ads and more. Also, you have no guarantee that the public is interested in the products and services that are offered by your company.
Another disadvantage is the long time it takes to get the desired data and results. You can’t know when someone read your ad in the newspaper or magazine, noticed the billboard, or listened to / watched your ad.

Digital marketing

However, the target audience aged between 18 and 40 will prefer digital marketing. In fact, for them, the competition between traditional marketing versus digital marketing simply does not exist, for the simple reason that the advantages are clearly in favor of digital. Whether or not this statement is true, we invite you to decide for yourself, after reading, as well, its strengths and weaknesses.


Digital marketing strengths

Fortunately, here you immediately get information about how your message was perceived. Regardless of whether someone simply clicks on your website, reads or opens an e-mail, follows your posts on the main social networks, you have immediate access to this information. The marketing agency you turn to, or maybe your company’s marketing department will know how to “juggle” all this information, will always choose the type of content that will have an impact on a particular audience, and even favorable time of day for the greatest impact.
Unlike traditional marketing, which involves some fairly high costs, digital marketing strategies are not that expensive. Sending an email is free, as opposed to calling the courier services to send your printed message (at other costs).


traditional marketing and digital marketing

Weaknesses of digital marketing vs traditional marketing

Tired of the multitude of messages that do not interest them and especially annoy them, preventing them from reading information or watching a video, many of those who use the Internet have installed some ad blockers. In this case, your message will not reach them.


And yet… what is the best option between traditional marketing vs digital marketing?

So which is the best option? Is there a winner when it comes to the competition between traditional marketing versus digital marketing? Experts believe that the answer is much more complex, and depends on many variables. Thus, digital marketing seems a perfect option for most, because it involves very low costs, and the message sent reaches a wide audience. Collecting the information you need is much faster, so you can quickly change your approach and create a very effective marketing strategy. However, we can’t help but notice the benefits of traditional marketing, especially when your target audience is made up of older people, or you want to reach a local audience.

What to choose for my business?

And yet… what is the best option for my business: traditional marketing versus digital marketing? It is best to turn to professionals from a marketing agency who will give you a detailed analysis of the business, the target audience and other such details. You will receive the consultancy you need, and thus you will know which of the two is more advantageous for you. But it is important to understand your business very well, but also the public, because only in this way you will be able to “attack” and use the best strategy for your business to be successful. Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it sounds!


Get a marketing strategy for your business


Differences traditional marketing vs digital marketing

What are the differences traditional marketing vs digital marketing?

To fully and in detail explain all the differences between traditional marketing and digital marketing you should probably book in its entirety, but in short, traditional marketing is represented by radio, television, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, bilbloards, flyers and more.

Compared to digital marketing, traditional marketing is much more expensive and time consuming.

When it comes to digital marketing you need to think about online advertising on social media, search engines, forums, applications, etc.

Advertising channels you can use include:

– Pay per click advertising

– Affiliate marketing

– Content marketing

– Social media


– Video marketing

– Website marketing etc.


What are the disadvantages of digital marketing vs traditional marketing?

Both traditional marketing and digital marketing have disadvantages, but the common question is about the disadvantages of digital marketing.

Among the disadvantages of digital marketing we list:

– High competition

– Users can leave reviews that may affect your business

– Any mistake is charged much faster online

– He’s addicted to technology

– It needs constant investment to maintain its efficiency

– Algorithms change often

– New technologies and marketing techniques are appearing that can change your business

– Lower entry barriers


How is digital marketing important for business?

Currently, because traditional marketing can be much more expensive and less effective, we encourage you to turn your attention to digital marketing.

Depending on the time you have available, digital marketing can be cheap or even free.

Over time, we have collaborated with companies that have doubled their turnover from one year to the next, focusing on quality digital marketing.


Traditional or Digital marketing? Which is the better option?

Both types of marketing generate benefits for companies, but digital marketing comes bundled with tools, data and statistics that will help the marketing budget be much better targeted to generate results.

We recommend that you start learning in digital marketing and when you have an important market share to invest in traditional marketing for branding.


How do I easily shift from traditional marketing to digital marketing?

For any business, to make the transition from conventional marketing is to think of their business or services so that they can be sold online.

Create a website, analyze what your competitors have done and improve your online presence through quality marketing so that you get the best results.

If you need help you can contact us and we will give you everything you need to grow your business!

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