See bellow how we did $ 354.357 in just 30 days
Here’s how we managed to get sales for an online women’s clothing store worth $ 354.357 in just 30 days, using a budget of $ 34.927.
Before doing the campaign set-up, we analyzed the client’s products, product categories, age, product style, style, and so on. Based on this information, we created persona buyer profiles.
In the last phase, we analyzed the store and noticed that the online store has a 3-step order completion process, so we recommended that the client simplify the single page’s ordering process.
We have created campaigns on three types of clothes: casual dresses, skirts and shirts. In the first week, we’ve been looking to get relevant traffic, and in the next few weeks, we’ve been focusing on bringing sales using dynamic campaigns and conversions.
Facebook campaigns have been monitored and optimized daily, getting 1.972 orders in 30 days.

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Do you want to work with us?
The advertising campaigns for Facebook Ads represent an efficient investment for your business. This fact is important because this experience in creating and optimizing hundreds of Facebook Ads shows that it is a viable method for a significant increase of income.
Even if we are talking about the likes on the Facebook page, post engagement, clicks on the site, or conversion targets, it is crucial to obtain a low cost on the conversions without compromising the sales.
We implement complex campaigns that aim to raise sales with a cost on conversion under 10% of the product’s value.
We implement you complete Facebook Ads strategies!
- We create texts and banners for the campaigns;
- We optimize the Facebook page;
- We create remarketing campaigns, dynamic ads and conversions;
- We optimize the campaigns daily;
- We give you monthly reports.
The Facebook advertising campaigns Facebook helps the campaigns to share visual announcements to a specific audience with costs which can vary depending on the visualization grade of that post. When we create the set-up, you will receive estimations about the results obtained depending on the budget you offer.
One of the most important goals which Facebook Ads has is the increase of website visits. This thing is to the general rise of the site or for sending the users to a lead page which has the purpose of determinating the customers to buy the product and to subscribe to the newsletter.
The target consits in a better knowing of the customers, because when the campaign strats, we have to take in consideration who would like to see our commercials. Having this informations, we have to show our advantages by sending messages with the help of Facebook Ads platform only to those who show real interest for our services or our products.
Contact us, we answer in maximum 24 h!
We can help your business
Your company needs a Facebook Ads agency like us. We have expertise in social media marketing and we know how to increase your sales using growth hacking techniques.
We are specialized in digital marketing services for e-commerce in fields like real estate, auto, apparel, cosmetics, tourism, health products, and others.
Facebook can be used as a bridge between the clients who use the platform and the website on which the transaction can be made. Depending on the campaigns’ goals, you can place links on the announcements to send the possible customers targeted on the platform straight on the site or to some products.
We implement efficient strategies. The base of a successful campaign is represented by a precise target of the Facebook audience. At the moment, Facebook allows an exact targeting of those.
A complex segmentation. The targeting process starts from general aspects, like the geographical ones (the country, city or neighborhood), demographical (age, gender or marital status) and even aspects about the performances, interests, hobbies, groups and communities of the clients. In the e-commerce industry, Facebook Ads campaigns represent an essential element for online sales. Facebook advertising is an accessible tool for everybody, and the Facebook Ads campaigns can be used by any business which desires the rising of sales, attracting fans or creating a community.
There are 2 types of Facebook Ads campaigns which are meant to increase the number of likes on your page and/or to increase the number of the views that the site’s content has. Advertising cost are low, because we want to grow our portofolio. Find more about how our specialists can use experience for achieving your objectives.
Why choose an agency with Facebook Ads specialists?
In business, decisions are very important, and so far our team has seen enough online businesses that have failed due to wrong marketing and management decisions.
The most common marketing mistakes were related to the fact that the budget was reduced given that Facebook Ads was the online advertising channel that generates the most sales.
Another wrong decision that is harmful is related to online marketing within the company, and as you probably realized, the efficiency of an internal person is much lower than the efficiency offered by an agency.
Internal marketers have their role in a company, but the knowledge they have is limited to the company’s activity and the field in which they work, to which we also add online information.
Why choose a Facebook Ads agency?
Answer: A Facebook Ads agency knows more than a person who works internally. While the employee handles the company’s advertising accounts, an agency has specialists who interact with hundreds of accounts each month, and their learning is much faster.
Promos is an online marketing agency with specialists in Facebook Ads and we stand out through:
– Fast results
– Vast know-how
– Efficient
– Advanced management and control
– Personalized and efficient strategies
– Reduction of marketing budgets by making them more efficient
– Increase conversion rate
– Increasing the number of orders
– Create and consolidate a brand
Contact us, we answer in maximum 24 h!
We will increase your sales!
We are a full-service marketing agency that can help you to increase your sales through Facebook Ads. We know how to deliver ads to your tailored audience to obtain more conversions.
Thus, this marketing service offers different types of commercials depending on the type and the needs of the business. It is indicated different test types of commercials to identify the method suited for advertising your business, based on this information from Facebook campaigns, meant to sent the message to a very well defined target, thus, avoiding the loss of time, energy and money.
The customers need to know you exist, and by investing in Facebook commercials, you assure your post is viewed and the clients know where to go when they need your products or services.
Dedicated Facebook Ads Manager
Promos Agency offers advanced Facebook Ads digital advertising services as well as a dedicated Facebook Ads Manager.
Collaborating with us will make a difference because every account manager in our team is focused on getting results.
From the first days from the beginning of the collaboration, you will discuss with the manager dedicated to your Facebook Ads account and you will be communicated in detail what the steps are for advertising the business you own. Our team will automatically check that traffic is being collected properly and that conversions are being measured correctly.
Facebook Ads campaigns will be carried out as soon as possible from the beginning of the collaboration, and in the first seven days, you will already be able to see results.
What is the difference between a Facebook Ads manager and an employee?
As mentioned above, the Facebook Ads account managers from Promos Agency have vast experience in several fields of activity, they have data from other campaigns that they can use in your favor, they will reduce costs, they will make the results more efficient, and they are up to date with the new options and functions made available by the platforms. Facebook marketing by internal staff is much more expensive than it seems. An employee without enough experience can make marketing mistakes that can cost you a lot and waste your budget.
Always choose an agency with a manager dedicated to your account.
Advanced internally developed targeting strategies
What is your strategy behind the digital advertising campaigns? Does it generate results?
Whatever the answer, it is important to know that it can always be better, and at Promos, we work every day to develop advanced targeting strategies to get better results for our clients.
Our interest as an agency is to contribute to clients’ development because they are the ones who help us develop by staying with us.
At Promos, our team has developed internal targeting strategies to optimize campaigns and streamline results, and this is due to the experience and hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in campaigns.
Monitoring, control and focus on results
Marketing is a long process. Brands don’t build overnight and certainly not cheaply.
Precisely for this reason, we are aware of the importance of monitoring campaigns and the control needed to generate results.
Our team is ready to give you exactly what you need, namely time.
Managing Facebook Ads campaigns is a time-consuming task and can undoubtedly consume the entire marketing budget.
I said that we could give you time because by leaving these tasks to the professionals, you will get much better results and you will have time to think about how to grow your business.
Contact us, and we will give you what you need!
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